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Securities Litigation

Wysłane przez vtorosort 
19-09-2022 16:07:48
Guys, I'm in trouble. I found out this morning that I'm facing a trial. Do you have advice from experienced lawyers?
19-09-2022 17:05:19
I'm not going to ask what and why you did wrong and took the case to court. But if it turned out that you needed the help of a securities lawyer, I have something to say. First, read the article https://observer.com/2022/09/10-keys-to-winning-securities-litigation-cases-with-sec-defense-attorney-nick-oberheiden/ and you'll see what I'm talking about. After that, you'll know how to proceed to win your case.
19-09-2022 18:39:37
Hello and thanks for the helpful information. I think I'll take your advice.
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